Safeguarding & Child Protection
We can deliver safeguarding and child protection training across various levels, e.g., as introductory, advanced or as refresher training.
Our popular, engaging and informative 2.5 hour online classes enable staff and volunteers to develop the child safety knowledge and skills needed to identify and respond to child safety concerns and/or allegations against staff. We do this by guiding learners through safeguarding and the main Rs of Child Protection -
Recognising Concerns
Responding to Disclosures and Concerns Safely
Reporting Concerns (within the organisation)
Referring Concerns External (e.g., to child protection services)
Recording Concerns
We can tailor scenarios and case studies to align with any particular child safety aspects you would welcome staff exploring and can reiterate any key child safety policy and procedure requirements.
Common learning objectives include but are not exclusive to:
Explain the difference between safeguarding and child protection.
State those children and young people who may experience heightened vulnerability.
Recall Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the impact these can have on a child's immediate and long-term development, health, and well-being.
Name the different types of harm, categories of abuse and possible physical and behavioural indicators.
Recognise the different types of disclosures and know how to respond safely.
Apply best practice when reporting, referring and recording safeguarding and child protection concerns.
Understand how concerns may relate to a child's well-being and/or allegations against staff and the importance of staff promoting safe practice when working with children.
Demonstrate safeguarding as a shared workforce responsibility that promotes a safeguarding culture.